Monday, September 26, 2011

There was a time when people believed that the earth was flat. This idea dates back to the ancient Greece history. People thought that the surface was completely flat and when they've  the end , they would fall off. So this became an illusion that people believed in at some point in time. But  at the same time became a constant debate amongst a lot of people as well. At this time Columbus was being acknowledged for discovering America, Then came along debates on whether or not he knew if the world is indeed round or flat , which brought about the “The flat earth theory” . The Pythagorean also came up with their own theory  “the earth was round “. Ever since then scientist has been convinced and believed that the earth were indeed round. But then came  speculations that the earth was smaller than what it really appeared to be.  So this shows discovery of something new can bring about good and change, as well as doubts, lies and disbelief. Even though people are comfortable with what they believe in. When their is change brought about that makes good enough sense , they change their perspective. Basically its a mind control concept that dictates to you  on how your going to live your life and how you would like to live it . If these people were comfortable with believing that the earth was flat , they would have never been able to discover  the other continents and learn that its more there  than what they think.  The "mind" is a very powerful thing that creates a comfortable image that controls us  that we're not always aware of, some people know and refuse to accept the truth and live their "comfortable lie"We can be in control if we like we just  have to know the difference between reality and illusions and decide which one is better .

Sunday, September 25, 2011

summary of "Allegory of the cave"

 Allegory of the cave has a very intellectual way of seeing life in a  whole different perspective

than what we're used to.

It shows how we're  blind sited by what we want to see and what we refuse to see, when its

right in front of our face.

We are being taught something that society want's us to know, and forbidden from what they


 And when we discover the truth it becomes to much for us to handle then we become

overwhelmed with doubts and  fear of our natural beliefs and what we were used to,  We

become scornful of others and look down upon the ones that haven't yet discovered the truth .

Basically we're being fed and taught what "the man " wants us to believe,  and we become

comfortable with it and never  doubt nor bothered looking at what can be  greater than what we


given. But he also made a point clear that by discovering the truth it can also cause pain and

discomfort off of something brand new than what  we received from the one that was too frighten

to have us know the truth cause they knew that we would've benefit from it  and probably

overpower. Basically its  about a man who tried to change our perspective on life and  show us

to look further than whats in front of us , and opened our eyes to a world that we were forbidden

to  see which we could do better from.

Monday, September 19, 2011


My belief has always been to think that Caucasians  was the race to be because it seemed like they had the

better life .But recently I was proven wrong , I’ve learned that it wasn’t the color of the skin but  what’s

inside that counts. I would turn on the television and see all the rich people who were extremely wealthy

and has  the most extravagant way of living were “white”, while  other races were portrayed as a lower class that were

suffering. I use to think that everyone related with me aswell , by thinking that “white” was the thing to be. But

since i've gotten older my concept on life and race and nice things in life has changed. I've discovered that  life

is what you make of it . That you have to decide for your self what you want out of life and exceed it . I've

learned that if you work hard for what you want you receive it. Those that we envy for the life that we wished

we had, has worked hard for it somewhere down the line. So now my conception in  life is to think that it

doesn't matter what race you are to live a comfortable life, but the eager and determination in life to succeed.

  The race issue has played a huge part in history up to today ,but what we need to understand is no

one is better than us because of the color of their skin ,  but that's what we were taught to believe . Like for

example back in slavery days we were taught that only the wites lived good and had all the blacks working for

them . But what we didn't know was that their were some blacks that were very wealthy as-well. Their were

some that  were doctors, teachers, preachers etc. So society fail to show us that but instead led us to believe

that if your skin color was "white" you weren't important and held no power. But today the race controversy

serves justice because we have a black a president, nothing more can  prove this whole concept on race

better than a black president. That's why today my view on life and its meanings and wealth that comes out of

it, has changed. It shows me that you can be what ever you want and get anything you desire out of life only if

you strive and work hard towards it .