Monday, October 3, 2011

blog # 3 : the matrix ; utopia, dystopia and realities

The more accurate process of illusion I believe is the movie “The matrix”. The movie lets off a sense of a comfortable life style that appears as an illusion. To characters this is the life style their adjusted to, and when their presented with reality their not sure how to embrace the fact that they were living a lie which is known as “the truth”. But they had the decision to be face d with the truth but failed to and accepted their “comfortable lie”. Basically it’s a concept of a mind game that control’s lives.
               Thinking back to a historical illusion that is still considered to me to be one, is “Hunger”. Hunger to many people can be considered a serious and yet deadly thing if not received in the time of need. But are you really starving? Or is it just your mind that is telling you that you need to eat now. For example when you think you’re hungry and starving, after you get the food you forget all about how hungry you were and how weak you felt and just focus on eating, so it wasn’t as serious as your mind made it out to be. Hunger can also create an illusion and distraction. When you’re hungry you become weak and woozy etc. But it’s a stated that fact that the body can go without food for up to seven days. So once again it’s your mind that is stretching the illusion out that you need to eat right this minute.
         Another historical illusion that is expressed in everyday life is “peace”. Peace is used as serenity for some. People believe that the world would be better if we had peace but, in order to enforce peace don’t we have to show some type of stability of aggression and hurt others to keep the peace. That’s considered as a contradiction you can’t encourage peace while both keeping the peace, because no one would take you serious.  For example if you wanted to keep the peace between you and a different country and there rules that are set and expected to be followed, if the other country doesn’t feel comfortable they’re not going to follow , but rebel instead . And then you’re going to feel betrayed and retaliate and again that’s not keeping the peace.
    This shows that when people are used to  their certain way of living but yet later on they  find out that it was a lie, they’re not likely to embrace the new way of living because they’re not sure e how to . They’re adjusted to their life style of living their “comfortable lie”, which in other words is an (illusion) created by their minds because they fail to see the truth. This is a conception in which is expressed in everyday life, but not noticed. So “the matrix “is an accurate example of this. It can relate to what we deal with every day and not notice, but struggle to see what’s in front of us .

1 comment:

  1. Hunger and peace are not historical illusions. You need to refer to actual historical events, periods etc to offer concrete example. You must also disable word verification to receive further comments
